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Kevin Gunia
composer and pianist
Pastoral Scenes (2023)
Clarinet Quartet
8 minutes
Premiere performance:
05 May 2023
Musicians from the Oregon Clarinet Symposium 2023
Collier House, University of Oregon
Eugene, OR
Pastoral Scenes is a three-movement work that evokes a simple, joyous, and care-free world. The melodic material in each movement is song-like. The first movement features sweeping accompaniment to soaring melodies, like waves gently rolling into the shore. The playful second movement and gentle third movement hint at the Dies irae chant – usually sung in a Mass for the dead – but here presented in a manner that almost mocks death.
This work was written for the Oregon Clarinet Symposium 2023.
Second performance by musicians from the University of Oregon clarinet studio in November 2024.
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